NH Family Hikes

Pulpit Rock

Length: 2.5 miles out-and-back with loop

Difficulty (click for info): Beginner

Elevation Gain: 200 feet

Rating (click for info): 5/10

Driving Directions:
Trailhead and parking area are on New Boston Road in Bedford, NH. You can get to New Boston Road from Rt. 114 in Bedford, 0.7 miles north of Rt. 101. The parking area is 5.7 miles down the road, on the south side..

Trail map

About the Hike:
Pulpit Rock is a tall, rocky gorge located in a pretty forest. There are small streams and cascades flowing from the cliffs, and hemlock trees growing all around. Pulpit Rock is an excellent local nature walk. From the parking area, begin your hike on Kennard Trail. The trail starts on bog bridges over a wet, marshy area. It emerges on the other side and leads through the flat forest. In 0.4 miles, pass Campbell Trail on the left, then Landry Trail on the right. In another 0.1 miles, reach a four-way junction and turn right onto Tufts Trail. You will soon reach a kiosk at the top of the gorge, where you can read about its history. The trail provides a good look down into the gorge from the top.

Soon after passing Landry Trail again on the right, turn left onto Ravine Trail. This trail leads around the steep cliff to the base of the gorge. The area down here has a nice view of Pulpit Rock straight on, and also allows you to walk right up to the rock face. As you continue, the trail leads along the stream that flows from the boulders along the cliffs. The trail crosses the stream several times on wooden bridges, and leads by some small pools and tiny cascades. The trail eventually leaves the stream, and leads through the forest. Along the way, it passes by a deep rock pothole in the ground. After half a mile, it ends at a four-way junction. Turn right to stay on Ravine Trail, cross Pulpit Brook again, then pass Tufts Trail on the right. Proceed a short distance to the end of the trail at the site of Gage's Sawmill, just below a marshy area in the brook. Return to the four-way junction and continue straight onto Campbell Trail (to the left of the way you came before). Continue 0.7 miles back through the woods to Kennard Trail, passing Scouting Way on the right after 0.4 miles and an unnamed green-blazed trail on the left near the end.

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